



Installation errors:

  • ImportError: No module named uweb
    • mod_python is able to read your router, but stumbles when it tries to import the uweb package. Are you sure the path to your local copy of the us uweb repos is inside the PYTHON_PATH, and that mod_python uses that path?
      • <Directory "/var/www/mysite/">
          PythonPath "['/path/to/parent/folder/of/uweb'] + sys.path" 
    • Python will look in the folder's mentioned in the PythonPath for a folder named uweb when you try to import uweb, so make sure you set it to the folder above uweb.
    • When using Standalone, the PYTHON_PATH in your terminal doesn't help in finding the uweb package, resolve this by editing for example your bashrc.
      • in ~/.bashrc
        export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/parent/folder/of/uweb