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Hours: 199.75

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
µWeb 2012-06-26 Elmer de Looff Documenting Feature #884: Arguments on template functions 0.50
µWeb 2012-06-01 Elmer de Looff Documenting Bug #837: TemplateParser does not allow dashes for indexes 0.50
µWeb 2012-06-06 Elmer de Looff Documenting Feature #851: Record classes should have hooks for verification before saving 0.50
µWeb 2012-05-07 Elmer de Looff Documenting Feature #771: uWeb Documentation - PageMaker 2.00
µWeb 2013-03-21 Elmer de Looff Documenting Bug #786: uweb website - Content Installation and application instructions 2.00
µWeb 2012-05-07 Elmer de Looff Documenting Feature #774: uWeb Documentation - Standalone 3.00
µWeb 2013-03-21 Elmer de Looff Documenting Documentation #1257: Documentation for uWeb application uweb application documentation 3.00
µWeb 2012-05-09 Elmer de Looff Documenting Feature #771: uWeb Documentation - PageMaker 4.00
µWeb 2012-05-10 Elmer de Looff Documenting Feature #775: uWeb Documentation - Apache 4.00
µWeb 2012-05-16 Elmer de Looff Documenting Feature #770: uWeb Documentation - Model 4.00
µWeb 2012-05-31 Elmer de Looff Documenting Feature #770: uWeb Documentation - Model 4.00
µWeb 2012-04-20 Elmer de Looff Documenting Feature #772: uWeb Documentation - Response 5.00
µWeb 2012-05-01 Elmer de Looff Documenting Feature #773: uWeb Documentation - Request 8.00
(76-88/88) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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