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Hours: 199.75

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
µWeb 2012-04-27 Jacko Hoogeveen Development Feature #788: uweb website - Discuss This should be tested when its online. 0.00
µWeb 2012-04-23 Jacko Hoogeveen Development Feature #785: Uweb website - templates 0.50
µWeb 2012-04-23 Jacko Hoogeveen Development Feature #787: uweb website - apache config generator 1.00
µWeb 2012-04-23 Jacko Hoogeveen Development Feature #788: uweb website - Discuss Added disqus to documentry and getting started pages 1.00
µWeb 2012-04-27 Jacko Hoogeveen Development Bug #786: uweb website - Content Created content pages for 'getting started'. Created model. Linked documentation to wiki 2.00
µWeb 2012-04-23 Jacko Hoogeveen Development Feature #785: Uweb website - templates Created templates 2.00
µWeb 2012-04-27 Jacko Hoogeveen Development Feature #787: uweb website - apache config generator Updated config generator to accept console commands. 2.00
µWeb 2012-06-15 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #874: Static content reports "File not found" when not running from document root. 0.25
µWeb 2012-02-28 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #626: utf8 in conditions in templateparser goes awry 0.25
µWeb 2012-02-20 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #626: utf8 in conditions in templateparser goes awry 0.25
µWeb 2012-06-15 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #874: Static content reports "File not found" when not running from document root. 0.25
µWeb 2011-09-21 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #369: Attempted recursion on autoload 0.50
µWeb 2012-05-29 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #837: TemplateParser does not allow dashes for indexes 0.50
µWeb 2012-07-16 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #903: uweb www domein lijkt niet te bestaan online 0.50
µWeb 2012-04-11 Elmer de Looff Development Feature #738: DebuggingPageMaker needs a fallback error page for errors that occur in the error page 0.50
µWeb 2012-08-24 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #929: MongoDB Records fail automated loading 0.50
µWeb 2012-01-10 Elmer de Looff Development Feature #252: Template parser - if statements & for loops 0.50
µWeb 2012-02-22 Elmer de Looff Development Feature #632: Break uWeb away from underdark package 0.50
µWeb 2012-10-10 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #1016: Operational errors when creating records are suppressed Bug hunting 0.50
µWeb 2011-11-29 Elmer de Looff Development Feature #526: Improve performance of the router by pre-compiling all routes 0.50
µWeb 2012-06-08 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #854: TemplateLoop string representation fails 0.50
µWeb 2012-08-24 Elmer de Looff Development Feature #778: VersionedRecord could work on table-level 0.50
µWeb 2012-05-15 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #817: TemplateParser's "url" function is not Unicode safe 0.50
µWeb 2011-09-21 Elmer de Looff Development Feature #368: Increate Record's dictionary likeness 0.50
µWeb 2012-05-29 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #837: TemplateParser does not allow dashes for indexes 0.50
(1-25/88) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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