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Hours: 199.75

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
µWeb 2017-08-17 Arjen Pander Development Feature #5245: investigate if we can migrate to 'pymysql' instead of the python-mysql libraries 15.00
µWeb 2012-01-25 Elmer de Looff Development Feature #573: mongo support in uweb, sqltalk and model 2.00
µWeb 2012-05-10 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #811: HEAD request returns the whole page (like a GET request) and not only headers. 1.00
µWeb 2011-12-15 Elmer de Looff Development Feature #556: Add a versioned record subclass 2.00
µWeb 2012-06-15 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #874: Static content reports "File not found" when not running from document root. 0.25
µWeb 2011-11-29 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #525: standalone config file collisions 5.00
µWeb 2012-10-10 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #1015: _ValueOrPrimary returns Record objects Bug hunting 0.50
µWeb 2012-02-20 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #626: utf8 in conditions in templateparser goes awry Bug fixed and test cases added 1.25
µWeb 2012-07-16 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #903: uweb www domein lijkt niet te bestaan online 0.50
µWeb 2012-04-24 Elmer de Looff Development Feature #738: DebuggingPageMaker needs a fallback error page for errors that occur in the error page 1.00
µWeb 2012-04-19 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #779: Internal Server Error (HTTP 500) page actually serves a HTTP/1.0 200 OK header. 1.00
µWeb 2011-12-08 Elmer de Looff Development Feature #374: Ability to inline templates from another file 2.00
µWeb 2012-06-07 Elmer de Looff Development Feature #853: TemplateLoops should work on functions and multiple variables 2.50
µWeb 2011-09-21 Elmer de Looff Development Feature #368: Increate Record's dictionary likeness 0.50
µWeb 2011-12-20 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #567: pagemaker init exception triggers no content error, not debug screen 0.75
µWeb 2012-03-15 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #674: Attempting to use SmorgasbordMixin to replace connection object triggers AttributeError 2.00
µWeb 2012-08-07 Elmer de Looff Development Feature #923: Model automatic loading should not work on None values Test suite development, research into (My)SQL behavior and actual fixed 5.00
µWeb 2012-05-29 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #837: TemplateParser does not allow dashes for indexes 0.50
µWeb 2012-01-10 Elmer de Looff Development Feature #61: Template parser - default values 4.00
µWeb 2012-05-09 Elmer de Looff Development Feature #632: Break uWeb away from underdark package Various packages in both the Underdark and uWeb repository now have reduced dependencies 3.00
µWeb 2011-12-09 Elmer de Looff Development Feature #252: Template parser - if statements & for loops 8.00
µWeb 2012-06-08 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #855: templateparser crashen on missing index in eval replacement 1.00
µWeb 2011-10-01 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #411: Creating a record with a given primary key fails 1.00
µWeb 2012-01-26 Elmer de Looff Development Bug #598: 500 error should be protected against xss attacks 1.00
µWeb 2012-07-05 Elmer de Looff Development Feature #884: Arguments on template functions 4.00
(1-25/88) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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